and Friends of SCH.
The B.U.S. Program
Alumni and Friends have been made aware that many students in the School City of Hammond lack three necessities: Books, Underwear and Socks, so we started the BUS Project. These three items are collected and distributed to the students as they are needed by the school nurses and Principals.
A huge box of BUS items was recently donated by our friends from Ridge United Methodist Church, for which we and the students are very grateful.
To donate items to the BUS Program, please contact Joshua Long at 219-933-2400 x 1044.
Books, Underwear, Socks
A Huge Thanks to
The Shades!!
The local Chicago band, The Shades, recently hosted a Christmas event that required attendees to bring a K-8th grade level children's book upon entering the venue. The band performed a variety of their own music, covers, and Christmas songs, while books were being collected at the door. All of the donations from the event were given directly to the B.U.S. program.
Thank You, The Shades and event attendees!
February B.U.S.S. Blitz!
Thanks to the February B.U.S.S. Blitz, the Hammond Education Foundation has received many generous donations, resulting in over 250 pairs of socks, underwear, and books! These items were donated by members of HEF’s board of directors, as well as Hammond Alumni! The items have been distributed to all of the 14 elementary schools throughout the School City of Hammond.
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has donated!
Thank You
Kiwanis Club and Dr. Barnes!!
The Alumni and Friends recently recieved a large donation from Dr. Richard Barnes and the Kiwanis club for the B.U.S. program. Dr. Barnes donated over twenty pairs of socks, while the Kiwanis Club gave a generous $1,000.00 donation.
Thank You, Dr. Barnes and members of the Kiwanis Club!